RSV-VAL-0010 Error Message

Just a quick post today.

RSV-VAL-0010 : This error message is really quite a general error message with which you don't get too much information.  There are some posts on this on the net, but my experience is, it's mostly a query still that's still in the list of query's in your report that still points to metadata that is no longer there.

Especially when using dynamic query mode.

Check those query's!

Configuring a server timezone

In large scale installations that are deployed world-wide, an IBM Cognos configuration might support a topology that supports 1000s of users in different time zones.  There would typically be a lot of dispatchers serving the reports.

But what with schedules for example?  When you schedule some report to be sent as 2 P.M., which time zone is it?  This is something that can be specified as a setting in IBM Cognos Configuration.

Open IBM Cognos Configuration, and from the "actions" menu, click "Edit Global Configuration".  You can find the server time zone in the "General" tab.

Click Save, and restart the dispatchers to apply the setting.

Report Studio Tip : Finding out which object use a certain conditional style

It's often unclear which objects (for instance columns in a list) use a conditional style.  You could go and inspect the property of every single column in every list, but that's quite cumbersome. 

Turns out you can just search for them.  Just go to the "Edit" menu in report studio, and select the "Find" menu item.

In the dialog, just select "Objects with conditional style" in the "Find what" dropdown, and select the desired conditional style in the dropdown below it.  Using the "Find Next" button, you can search for the objects that use that style.

Did you know... you can also start Cognos Configuration for Cognos Express

When installing Cognos Express, most administrative tasks are done using the IBM Cognos Express Manager.  This an online web interface in which you can install modules, create users, but also configure your LDAP & notification settings.

Sometimes, you just want to tweak things some more, and the start menu doesn't allow you to start Cognos Configuration.  If you look carefully, it is shipped with the product, but you just have to start it from the file system.

The executable "cogconfigw.exe" is located in the "bin64" folder of your installation directory.  By running it as an administrator, you'll be able to edit all of the settings you want.

Have fun!